Do you have chipped or broken teeth? Are you looking for a way to restore the comfort and aesthetics of your smile? We offer cosmetic and restorative dental treatments that cover injured and damaged teeth. Treating dental injuries creates a stable and comfortable bite. Patients also restore the appearance of their smiles when they receive treatment for tooth damage in our Owen’s Cross Roads, AL dental office.
Treating Tooth Damage in Owen’s Cross Roads, AL
There are multiple options to restore the look and function of your smile if you have one or more damaged teeth:
Porcelain Veneers
Dental veneers are ultra-thin shells that we bond to the front of the tooth enamel. Our dental office offers veneers made of porcelain ceramic, a highly reflective material that we color-match to the appearance of other teeth in the smile. Dental veneers are long-lasting restorations that offer restored function for many years to come. However, we only recommend veneers to patients who are committed to this treatment. We need to prepare teeth for their veneers and cannot restore the appearance of natural teeth following veneer treatment. Patients will need to replace their veneers with a new restoration over time to maintain the appearance of their smiles.
Tooth Bonding
Dental bonding treatment is best for patients with minor aesthetic tooth damage. Bonding uses a biocompatible resin that we sculpt and mold onto prepared teeth. Tooth bonding treatment is also a great option for patients who want efficient care for chips, cracks, and breaks in their tooth enamel. Compared to dental veneers, tooth bonding treatment offers more affordable care, although they do not last as long.
Dental Crowns
A tooth crown acts as a cap to fully cover damaged teeth. Dental crowns add structure to worn and injured teeth to create a comfortable and functional smile. Crowns can also support fillings after root canal treatment or cap dental implants. Like dental veneers, porcelain ceramic crowns blend in with the look of natural teeth. Unlike traditional metal crowns, porcelain ceramic crowns offer a seamless restoration. Dental crowns are most beneficial for patients with damaged molars as they are strong enough to support the bite.
Do you need to treat your injured or damaged teeth? Request a dental appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Duling and her dental team on our website. You can also call us at 256.202.4186. We are excited to see you at your next appointment.